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‘Crotte en Seine’ or the new French revolution

How far will the French go to attack Anne Hidalgo?

‘Crotte en Seine’ or the new French revolution How far will the French go to attack Anne Hidalgo?

Since the guillotine execution of the last king of the Hexagon, it seems that the revolutionary spirit flows in the blood of the French people. The latest revolution? #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin, a movement calling for defecation in the Seine on the day Anne Hidalgo plans to dive in. For context, the Olympic Committee plans to hold the triathlon and open water swimming events in the Seine. However, several environmental organizations have raised concerns about the poor quality of the river's water. The NGO Surfrider Foundation shared a worrying report regarding the bacteriological quality of the water, revealing that 13 out of 14 samples taken are "above or very significantly above" the recommended thresholds for swimming.

An analysis that is enough to frighten athletes… In response to this report, Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, wanted to reassure the public and prove that the Seine is suitable for swimming. To do this, she announced that she would take a dip in the river on June 23. In response to this declaration, thousands of internet users called for defecation in the Seine on the day of the dive to make the task… difficult. "They plunged us into shit, it's their turn to plunge into our shit" can be read on X. A poster was even shared “Crotte en Seine”. Additionally, very precise calculations have been made so that residents outside Paris can participate.

It's hard to judge whether this is a joke or if citizens will actually take part in this action. In any case, it is another confirmation of the public's discontent with the organization of the Olympics. The number of scandals related to the sporting event is countless: students expelled from their housing, exorbitantly priced metro tickets during the events, corals broken in Tahiti due to installations, etc.