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A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis

In a context of a depressing housing crisis

A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis

In a context of a depressing housing crisis, the town of La Pesse, located in the Haut Jura, proposes the establishment of demountable houses with minimal rents to attract new residents. The town envisions the creation of an "eco-hamlet", meaning a communal land made available to a collective of residents through a long-term lease. These residents own their individual homes and manage the common areas together through their association. This housing project aims to encourage the arrival of new residents while preserving the autonomy of towns over their land. The town would offer housing where rents would range between 100 and 250 euros. The eco-hamlets would not exceed 40 square meters with a garden that could reach up to 200 square meters. An obviously attractive deal in an era where it is incredibly difficult to find housing at reasonable prices.

A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502116
A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502118
A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502121
A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502122
A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502119

Unfortunately, La Pesse has been a victim of its success for some time now. The town is located near ski resorts and therefore 40% of the dwellings are secondary homes which are mostly vacant. The houses are currently selling between "400,000 and 500,000 euros" according to Julien Carnot, the deputy mayor. In this context, the town hall wishes to revitalize the city and make it accessible to a whole lot of other people.

A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502115
A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 502117
A local council wants to offer mini rents to fight the property crisis In a context of a depressing housing crisis | Image 501834

The eco-hamlets or light hamlets were conceptualized by an association of the same name. This organization "proposes to support communities in the creation of financially accessible eco-hamlets, to allow everyone to live in a sustainable and solidary manner" as explained on their website. This would be a new way of living, where community spirit, ecological interest, and an alternative economic model are the pillars. It’s a concept that attracts more and more people looking for solutions to the housing crisis. Indeed, the initiative has already been implemented in Brittany and 25 cities are currently working on it.