Le 75 hard style challenge as an alternative to winter sales
How to combat shopping addiction
January 10th, 2024
It's the kickoff of the first sales of the year 2024. As tradition dictates, from January 10th to February 4th, brands will display extraordinary discounts on some of their products. Amidst frenzy, overconsumption, and pollution, every year, sales encourage millions of French women to rush into stores in search of so-called "good deals." This period sparks excitement for some consumers - especially in these times of inflation - but also concerns about significant ecological damage due to overconsumption. In this context, an emerging alternative is gaining popularity: the 75 hard style challenge, initiated by the TikToker OldLooserInBrooklyn. This initiative suggests refraining from buying anything for 75 days to better understand one's wardrobe and create outfits with what one already owns. Inspired by the trend of the 75 hard challenge created by entrepreneur Andy Fisella, the fashion version is much more relaxed than its predecessor, which challenges participants to build mental toughness through fitness exercises and dietary restrictions for 75 days.
The challenge created by OldLooserInBrooklyn, whose real name is Mandy Lee, invites introspection into one's fashion style and how fashion is consumed. The rules are as follows:
Create one outfit per day for 75 days
Do not buy anything (not even second-hand)
Document outfits every day
Set goals/intentions
Try not to depend on external sources for creativity
Organize/Sort your wardrobe
This challenge allows participants to better understand their wardrobe, enhance creativity with what they already have, save money, slow down consumption, and ultimately reconnect with their personal style. Beyond the ecological aspect, what's interesting about the 75 Hard Style Challenge is that it places emphasis on creativity by encouraging participants to rethink their relationship with fashion and consumption. Creativity becomes a driving force, enabling innovative solutions rather than succumbing to the temptation of sales. Rule number 5, avoiding social media for inspiration, might be considered particularly challenging in the era of TikTok, Pinterest, and Instagram. This rule forces us to draw inspiration from ourselves, outside the polished images of influencers we are bombarded with daily. Thus, we would be compelled to question our personal style and preferences. And sometimes, creating under constraint allows us to be more creative.
By participating in this challenge, people discover new ways to express their style without succumbing to the pressure of overconsumption. They learn to value quality over quantity, promoting more thoughtful and sustainable choices. Moreover, sharing creative ideas within the community reinforces collective impact, encouraging everyone to rethink their consumption habits. The 75 Hard Style Challenge emerges as an inspiring alternative to traditional sales, highlighting the importance of creativity and sustainability. By adopting this lifestyle for 75 days, participants not only reduce their ecological footprint but also contribute to building a committed community ready to tackle the challenges of overconsumption.