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Ozzy & Sharon 10 years after "The Osbournes"

meet the most rock'n'roll couple of the show biz

Ozzy & Sharon 10 years after The Osbournes meet the most rock'n'roll couple of the show biz
Ozzy & Sharon 10 years after The Osbournes meet the most rock'n'roll couple of the show biz

Do you remember "The Osbournes"? It was 2002, MTV was still the main music reference of the adolescents of the whole world and nobody felt the need of Facebook and Twitter. The family of Ozzy Osbourne - the iconic leader of The Black Sabbath - and his wife Sharon – who has always been his manager - decided to open the doors of its majestic villa in Beverly Hills and nothing has been the same ever since.

For three years, the MTV cameras filmed the life of Ozzy, Sharon, Jack and Kelly (Aimee, the youngest daughter of the couple, decided not to participate and never appears in the filming) 24 hours a day. The programme was the ancestor of a trend more modern than ever: just think the recent fate of the Kardashian clan.

Husband and wife speak of this and much more in their exclusive interview with Hunger Magazine: "Nowadays everything is pre-planned and scripted. You don’t wake up with perfect hair and makeup and your life doesn’t work out in 48 minutes" says Sharon. "When we did it, it was a 100% true. What you saw is what we were like. We didn’t plan on getting up and doing what we did, we just let things happen. That was the trick of The Osbournes” adds Ozzy.

The family lived together very hilarious moments, but also extremely dramatic situations: Sharon discovered live she had cancer and Ozzy seriously risked his life during a bike accident. Jack and Kelly on the other hand, at the time were just two blooming adolescents: "We didn’t need a script. We’ve all got our own individual strong identities, end the kids, being 15 and 16 when we first started, didn’t need a script. They were just teenagers, being themselves" says Sharon.

Kelly is today a successful singer and TV presenter, she hasn’t lost the habit of dyeing their hair in crazy colours and conserves her beautifully chubby body. Jack is the father of two children, Pearl Clementine and Andy Rose, and in 2012 he has been diagnosed with a form of multiple sclerosis, for which he is currently receiving treatments.

The life of this peculiar family has always taken place between England, Sharon and Ozzy’s homeland, and the United States, where the two have met their professional fortune: "I’ve been going back and forth, but we still have our base in England. It really is our home. We work here [in America] and then we go home" Sharon confesses. "I’ve contemplated whether to sell ​​up and stay here, but I can’t let go of England. I just can’t. I am English and I am proud to be English!" says Ozzy.

The two are clearly complementary: they have been married for 33 years and they have never left each other for a moment. "My wife is very good at doing her job, and she pushes me in the right direction. And to be honest, I’ve never thought of anything else. I’ve never gone, ‘I need a guy’ […]We’ve had our rows of course, but you don’t jump off the boat when the water starts getting a bit rough, you hold on! I’ve never even thought about getting divorced from my wife."

The secret for a long lasting relationship as theirs? "You leave your ego at the door when you go in the house! It's just a job. You just do your job out and go home". A rare (and long-lived) example of authentic rock 'n' roll love in 2015.

Interview extracts Lily Silverton x Hunger Magazine Issue 9, "Right Way Up"

Photography Shelby Duncan 

Style Katja Cahill

Hair & Makeup Jude Alcala