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Why Google Photos could become Fashion favourite app

Google has launched a new incredible photo storage system

Why Google Photos could become Fashion favourite app Google has launched a new incredible photo storage system

Google Photos is here.

During the annual conference I / O for developers, the Mountain View giant has unveiled the new application: a managing system for photos and videos stored in the cloud.

"It is a private and safe space for all of your photos" - explains Anil Sabharwal, head of the project - "that brings them together in a single file available on each device."

Accessible both from the web-based platform and the app for Android and iOS, Google Photos offers free and unlimited space to save photos stored on a PC, a smartphone or a tablet.

Here's what you need to know about this project:

#1 Stop worrying about the space

Once you select the automatic backup application, it alerts you with a notification whenever the place of storage is almost full and will delete multimedia data "older" than 30 days, if already stored on the cloud.

Google Plus Photo is also able to know in real time if a picture was already loaded and automatically cleans its database.

Say bye to doubles.

#2 It knows you

The new app from Google recognizes the face of a person (even over the time) and places. This way the photos with common elements will be grouped together and categorized, forming a sort of digital album.

Google Photos offers the possibility to upload an unlimited number of shots, while keeping the original resolution of the picture provided unless it has a resolution higher than 16 megapixels, while the video must not exceed the resolution Full HD (1920x1080 pixels).

#3 Be creative!

The app's Creations function allows users to edit images with its inside editor.

You can easily convert your photos into animated GIFs or videos, apply filters, control the light, crop and more.

Google is nowadays the main search engine, it has monopolized our smartphones and our emails and now its claims itself as the most efficient mean to shield, manage and share our pictures with a click, in an unlimited virtual space.

For fashion people this could represent an authentic revolution: more interactivity thanks to the animated contents and less stress due to an unlimited memory (and to a system that automatically deletes doubles).

Up to this point, we are starting to think that Google knows us better than our mum.