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How to find your perfect pair of sneakers after being disappointed in love

nss mag Love Test

How to find your perfect pair of sneakers after being disappointed in love nss mag Love Test
How to find your perfect pair of sneakers after being disappointed in love nss mag Love Test

In the issues of love, events always follow the same course.

1. You know a person and you chat with him/her on Whatsapp until late at night - which is until you haven't the necessary strength to hold the phone in your hand and you let it slip through your fingers, making it bounce on your nose.

2. Appointments: Cinema? I love going to the cinema. Coffee in the city center? What a treat! Around the park? I love staying in contact with nature! Disco night? Yes please! 

(But if you hate movies and coffee, if you're allergic to pollen and if you're intolerant of disco nights, it doesn't really matter).

3. At this point, if it goes through, the whole thing turns into a beautiful and satisfying love story. A relationship that almost takes you back to the desire to download the app to edit photos with hearts. If the situation doesn't take off, after a series of Moscow Mule and Sex on the beach (but not only there), you get a sincere "it's not your fault, I just don't want a relationship right now". If on the contrary the most catastrophic situation happens, you find yourself trying to put off for months - or even worse, years - an obvious end. 

Whether that it will work, whether it goes wrong, one thing is certain: the moment of disappointment, sooner or later, will come. After a big disappointment in love nothing is more perfect than a new pair of shoes...and now, with our NSS MAG LOVE TEST, you will find the best pair of sneakers for you and for the situation you're experiencing.

In love, the winner is the one who flees. But if you don't run with the right shoes on, maybe you won't win at all.


1. How did he/she break-up with you?

A. As a garbage bag via SMS.
B. In a gentle and understanding way, with tears in his/her eyes.
C. While a night out, and I really didn't expect it.
D. He/She didn't break-up with me. C'Mon. He/She can't do that with me.
2. Why is your love story over?
A. Because he/she simply doesn't want anymore to be my GF/BF.
B. Because it didn't work anymore.
C. Because he/she loved another person.
D. Because he/she didn't deserve me.
3. Were you in love?
A. I liked him/her, love is a big word.
B. Yes, too much.
C. I did, he/she didn't.
D. Not at all.
4. What would you wish him/her at the moment?
A. To be dumped like he/she dumped me.
B. So much happiness.
C. To go to hell.
D. I don't know. Maybe nothing.
5. How do you feel right now?
A. Sad...but the sadness will go away soon.
B. Well, I was prepared. It's something I knew it would happen.
C. Next question?
D. Very well, I downloaded Tinder again.

Black, such as your current mood...and white, because after the dark, there's always the light.

You have to be positive right now...you'll have a colorful destiny, as well as the sole of your Reebok.

You are a gold person like the gold Swoosh of your new Archive 75.

You're already ready a for a new adventure: 3, 2, 1...
Available online and instore at One Block Down.