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Silicon Valley Fashion Week

When fashion meets technology

Silicon Valley Fashion Week When fashion meets technology
Silicon Valley Fashion Week When fashion meets technology

When you think about Silicon Valley  normally you imagine a world that has nothing to do with fashion. The southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area is an incubator of technology and a sort of Eldorado for the development of a number of companies that won't surely produce cashmere sweaters or houndstooth skirts.

Science is unstoppable - and thank god it is, otherwise we would still be on trees feeding ourselves with berries. One of the essentials so that there's progress is discovery - and this also implies the exploration of different sectors, with few apparent affinities between them.

So because of progress, fashion arrived for the first time in Silicon Valley, laying the foundations for what was the just ended Silicon Valley Fashion Week.

Organized by the tech-sportwear e-commerce Betagrand, The SVFW established the marriage between fashion and science: wearable technology and special materials, multitasking and extremely comfortable clothes, worn on the catwalk by drones and robots.

... And since it wasn't absolutely about the classic runaway approach, let's even forget the great Maisons: no fashion-known names, only emerging brands interested in exploiting the potential of technology in the vestimentary field.

Three days of fashion shows and accurate explanations of the garments by their designers...because it's known: those of Silicon Valley doesn't affect the observation of the result except through a careful analysis of its production phases.

The Silicon Valley Fashion Week may seem a very cool thing but incredibly there were people who didn't accepted it favorably. Many magazines, including GQ, have completely rejected the initiative: "Seriously, tech-bros. Stay in your lane, we'll stay in ours. Silicon Valley Fashion Week? Please, don't ask".

Please? But why? The Silicon world is more and more approaching to fashion, it's under the eyes of everyone: Amazon has become an e-commerce site, Yahoo sponsored the Met Gala, Google is increasingly oriented in trends-research.

Why bury our heads in the ground like ostriches when there's something new out there?

Maybe the innovation refractories are the same who wear a miniskirt - whose invention initially aroused scandals and controversies - or claim their status symbols with technological gadgets, born and conceived in Silicon Valley.

Some say that fashion is timeless. Not at all: fashion is a reflection of the time.

... And future, like it or not, is part of that time.

Now you can draw your own conclusions.