Cara Delevingne and Pharrell perform at Chanel Metiers d'Art

April 1st, 2015
Recap of the last night: Karl Lagerfeld presented at the Park Avenue Armony in New York the pre-collection of Chanel "Métiers d'Art". If you're thinking to live a dejavu, you are not completely out of the way: they were in fact presented the same clothes and the same accessories that have debuted in December in Salzburg - but within a new framework. In addition to the location, the real news of the evening was the performance of Cara Delevingne and Pharrell Williams, for the first time together singing "CC The World", the song created specifically for the film Reincarnation of Chanel .
And now, we must say it: there are those who have too much and those who have nothing. Besides being beautiful, young, rich and famous, Cara has also a beautiful voice.
To avoid to forget about it, here's the Reincarnation movie: please, let's try to find at least one defect in Cara - an ingrown hair, a mole, a crooked tooth, a double point...something, please!