Green For All: the winning idea of smart FOR city

March 31st, 2015
Do you remember the project smart FOR city? A brand new contest focused on urban regeneration, whose participants had to submit proposals to improve the environment in which we live.
Now we have the winners: Francesca Perricone and Roberta Rotondo, two designers from Rome specialized in environmental design. The winners were chosen among more than eighty startuppers who worked on four areas: mobility, work / life balance, safety and environmental sustainability.
Their project is called Green For All and consists of a flexible and adaptable module that allows the extension of existing buildings and new buildings. It is made of local materials recycled, a sort of greenhouse with a sunscreen folding furniture that can create a virtuous circle in the proper use of environmental resources. A roof garden that produces energy and hot water, zero impact on the environment because thanks to its compost system. The project will be turn into reality, thanks to the contribution of smart and H-FARM, the main Italian business incubator.
Green, female, innovative... what's more?