One Block Down Super Sale
How to save your money buying sneakers

March 6th, 2015
Your shoe rack is so full that could implode right now but your sneaker-thirst is not yet satisfied. An unexpected and inconvenient reasoning stops you, suggesting that a new purchase is always dangerous.
"Oh well, I already have a lot of shoes."
"Come on, I have to save my money to pay my rent."
"Yes, I loved that model but I already have one similar."
"I would have worn them twice."
But that damn pair of sneakers which you had spotted continues to return to your mind, like Homer with glazed donuts. Today you have no more excuses: let's kick out your reasonableness and find place for a new pair of white soles. At One Block Down all the collections will be discounted by 70% untill Monday. You can buy a new pair of shoes for the price of a night at the club or a tshirt for the price of an aperitif.
... And the rent won't be a problem also this month.