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How to dress for Milan Men Fashion Week FW15

How to dress for Milan Men Fashion Week FW15
How to dress for Milan Men Fashion Week FW15

Here we are. The Milan Men Fashion Wee is started.

There are shows, presentations, happenings, events, populated by fashionistas from all over the world who, to look their best, have  frayed nerves of assistants and friends.

There are bloggers, onlookers and photographers ready to award the prize for the best outfits, the most elegant, the most eccentric and what you should end up directly in the trash.

And then there are you.

You, men who do not have to ask for anything, you think that all the paranoia of "whatiwear" is stuff forbloggers who just want to add a few followers to the millions, probably all bought on the black market, they already have.

To you, arrogant and careless, we say: read here, learn. And if after you have finished the last sentence you will start to sweat and you will want to curl up in the fetal position: welcome to the club!

- Wash.

For your sake and for that of who's next to you. If it seems a superfluous, even offensive, recommendation then you've never been in a crowded place. A good shower before going out will give you a look already almost perfect, and if during the day your armpit should fail, patience. At least you'll have a clear conscience.

- Cover up.

It's winter. Turn bare chest with moonboots and ushanka, does not make you a man who knows the latest trends, but a fool. It's cold outside and it's wet, dress accordingly and even dusted off the old method of the grandmother: the "onion". If in the sky the clouds are full of rain is a good idea to carry an umbrella or, alternatively, a thoughtful assistant remeding to every meteorological incident.

- Do not wear synthetic fabrics.

Cites as "How to be parisian wherever you are," one of the sacred texts of women, where men also may find great advice"Nylon, polyester, viscose and vinyl will make you sweaty. smelly and shiny".

- Be self confident.

Choose only clothes in which you recognize. Transmit discomfort can ruin even the best look.

- No fur.

You are men, not cavemen and no matter if young David Bowie and Mick Jagger have raised managing to stay cool. To you it will not happen. Let in peace the poor animals and opt for a well-cut coat.

- Never get caught with a piece stolen or pocketed during a visit a few showrooms.

Need to explain why?

- Do not wear skirt.

Never mind if J.W. Andersen continues to insist, the only people allowed to wear that garment are women, Scottish or Asian.

- Always choose an unexpected detail.

Mix sporty and elegant, masculine and feminine, play with fashion, but with balance.

- If you need to attend a fashion show not wear old clothes of the designer.

The quotations might be misunderstood and seem just a sinister attempt at flattery.

- A brief internal survey led us to say yes, almost unconditional, to beard and hat.

- Remember that fashion week, contrary to what some believe, is not synonymous with the carnival.

- Have a gang.

Boost your look, will give you confidence and will endure the day. The editors of French Vogue teach.

- Dress well

Look in the mirror before going out. Do not shop for the occasion, but choose pieces that are already in the closet. Breathe and remember that irony, intelligence and kindness are the best accessories.