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Revolution in fashion

Can revolution start from fashion?

Revolution in fashion Can revolution start from fashion?
Revolution in fashion Can revolution start from fashion?
These are hard days for the fashion industry. The Moncler case has just opened the doors of current rawest. Strong debates on the Made in Italy, the real luxury value and exploitation of animals.
People entering with straight leg in a world of which he knows very little, a rant of platitudes and clichés that perhaps it is essential to remember. We change room and let the dialogues greatest systems where it is due, when we realize that something in the fashion world begins to crack. Air revolution that has resurfaced from the catwalks of Paris
1. Chanel by Karl Lagerfeld recalled the protests of May 68, the top model in vogue at the moment marched with placards challenging. There are those who have seen an outrage and those who thought it was really time to reflect. A link is made easy now with Emma Watson's speech to the United Nations, Lagerfeld had stressed their support to the actress. Most disillusioned accused him of opportunism and easy feminism. No doubt the designer has made people talk.

2. When it comes to protests, we have to mention Vivienne Westwood. In 2008, she wore his models protesting against the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo. Orange jump suits and criminals appeals. Westwood is also the head of the climate revolution for the preservation of the earth, the sustainable use of resources, such as water ... And the well-known video of the shower….

3. Jacquemus, in 2011 they made the catwalk on the road, as a real protest. Young designers who want to get noticed in the fashion world, and beyond.

It must be stressed that sometimes the protests are not just figurative, in 2014 a group of Femen activists attacked Nina Ricci’s catwalk, as Versace in 2013. Topless and threatening words "model do not go to brothels" and "dictaterror fashion."
Leaving aside the attacks to the fashion show, we found out that April 24th, 2015 will be the day of the celebration of the fashion revolution. The date celebrates the memory of the collapse of a factory in Bangladesh and its 2,500 dead. The slogan that will trace the day will be "who made your clothes?" And would silently flashmob takes Selfie #insideout, the goal? A sustainable fashion.
The revolutions in the productive are supported strongly by Stella McCartney and Vivienne Westwood, spinning heads exclusively from small cooperatives in South America with the least waste of water resources. In 2006, the British Fashion Council founded Estethica for sustainable fashion, zero-waste collections presented at London Fashion Week each season.

The revolution, however, is not only the climate, we can not forget the fast fashion and the digital revolution. Brands such as Moschino and Versus have decided to immediately sell the capsule collection presented during the fashion shows in September, a little 'time to beat the fast fashion and a little' why Donatella Versace said, "I want to talk to the generation of Millenials is These are guys who can not wait, do not know how to wait. If they see something, they want it, as you do with books, application, movies, and everything else. I, then, are born impatient and I understand very well the transformation of consumption. We have to adapt, the fashion world yesterday, even the mechanisms behind the collections industry must adapt. I am proud to be among the first to firmly believe in this revolution "
The fashion world is in constant turmoil, the perpetual revolution.