Tokio Fashion Week
A quick glance on fashion in Japan
October 21st, 2014
The western fashion week ended with last month, but there is still turmoil in the Far East.
The Tokyo Fashion Week ended a few days ago and no Western newspaper he's concerned. Probably because it's a "minor" fashion week but not for this snub is right, indeed the new trends cast a glance into the deep East for a few seasons now.
Maybe it will be the natural evolution of aesthetic, eyes and skinny proportions fascinate us. More and more models oriental ride our catwalks.
Two worlds that are slowly melting in the name of fashion.
We gave an overview of the Mercedez Benz Fashion Week Tokyo and we noticed a lot of similarities with the Milan fashion week.
They marched about 48 collections, including designers such as Hanae Mori, House of Holland, Onitsuka Tiger x Andrea Pompilio and Facetasm. A buzzword less than Western yelled, consistent with the Japanese philosophy.
If we explore the chapter streetstyle we realize that here is very strong, the atmosphere is less than our circus canons but the concept is the same. Japanese and Korean are the masters.
The total black reigns of overlapping and games have won many (as you can see in the report of yesterday). Clothing and multilayer sneaker foot.
To complete the picture we have discovered that there is a Vogue Fashion Night Out in Osaka, with lots of events, capsule collection dedicated and honored guests.
The fashion world with almond eyes is much closer than we think.