The best 5 fashion games
Give Me Five
October 22nd, 2014
In the densely populated world of existing app, has recently started to be equipped with a new type of game to reach smartphones, tablets and PCs, the "fashion game".
Jostling and elbowing birds taking a catapult and sodoku in various formats, the new entries have reached the summit of the Most Played and soon became part of the Register of viral phenomena. It's always nice to spend time on the couch coated conveying few neurons in some fun activity, but it is even more so if such activity involves in some way the world of fashion and affiliates.
Here then check on the screens all over the world clothes, credit cards and fashion icon or even digitized, pixelated transpositions of the star system, with catwalk models and annexed it girl from the front row. The list is really long, just take a googlata to understand it. But we go beyond that resulting all'amusement: found the original marketing? Definitely. Attempt at self-promotion? Too. War machine to create hype? Sure. Platform for the estrangement? Definitely.
From this point of view it is undeniable that each of us, whether in the guise of consumer than in those of the fans, to feel part of this world has necessarily need to carve out some time in other dimensions, dimensions in which credit cards are unlimited, where twerking is a way of life and where the police can be dribblata to taste. Estrangement is thus one of the bases to fit better and if whoever is behind this fashion game manages to settle in our minds even when we try to escape from reality, in short, hats off.
We currently have 5 fashion game in our opinion the most original of the moment: play with it, share it and let us which of these alternative worlds managed to paste the screen for the longest time.