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Coachella - Why we want to get there

Mass obsession

Coachella - Why we want to get there  Mass obsession
Coachella - Why we want to get there  Mass obsession

A weekend ended, but for the next we are still in time to catch the first plane to California , landing in Indio and begin to graze on the lawn of the most stylish festival right now: Coachella

We are bombarded with social networks, website, newspaper. It's almost natural that grow in us an irrational  desire "I have to go there at least once in my life." So we decided togive you a number of compelling reasons to say.

1 Singer. Say you go to Coachella because of music may be trivial, but you can list the most well-known , such as Pharrell and Lana del Rey. Then if you want to level up, you can say that every year it is traditional to bring together a band on stage , and this time it was up to Outkast. Then, it is clear that you have not the faintest idea who the other 75 % of musicians who play and you can blame the thirst for knowledge.

Some culture before departure might be a good idea , there is a dedicated YouTube channel , even with the possibility of  live streaming.

2 People. The shopping is mandatory before departure. You will need to have the right outifit. Hunter on you feet. Or cowboy boots. Then inguinal shorts, long skirts,jeans or embroidered gilet and possibly the navel in sight. If you wish to level up and risk being captured by some of streetstyle photographer you will have to venture a wide-brimmed hat , very good if styled like Pharrell Williams. Then remember your sunscreen and a bottle of water , we know: your mum will tell you too.

3 California. For non-fans of geography : Indio , California , near Palm spring and high thousand points of interest. You can take the opportunity of a trip across the ocean to visit Los Angeles and San Diego, and why not, Santa Monica, Venice Beach and Malibu. The good life of the West Coast, surfing and blondes skaters of Downtown. Tears of emotion at the mere idea .

4 Spring break. A myth that we Italians have started to learn recently , thanks to examples of filmography as Spring Breakers . Spring break, and the United States are synonymous with alcohol mass destruction , possibly at a music festival. What better time of the Coachella? You will stay within the resort and leisure make you a ride on the Ferris wheel.

 We are aware that the sheep-effect hit every corner of the globe and how we’re affected by epidemic flu we all want to go to Coachella .

If daddy can’t finance your trip in the U.S., you should know that there are some vgood music festivals in Europe , such as the Sziget or the Tomorrowland .

Maybe you are a trendsetter and open a new lowcost way for us Europeans.

The best of Coachella