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The best five things about London Women Fashion Week

Give Me Five

The best five things about London Women Fashion Week Give Me Five
The best five things about London Women Fashion Week Give Me Five

The chimes of Big Ben wake us up - bringing us back to a vibrant reality made of milanese and parisian's catwalks - after spending a week with the eyes turned on Albion. Also London Fashion Week FW14 is over and also this time you can't miss Give Me Five to discover the five details that have helped to make it magic.


If we had to identify one of the brands that has illumined the most this LFW, we wouldn't do the slightest effort to point the finger at Ashish, who radiated- literally -the catwalk. Yes, because the designer Ashish Gupta, renowned lover of anything that is shiny, has created a collection absolutely brilliant, consisting of cascades of glitter that are poured on the sporty and princely clothes. The brand has also triggered a veritable social revolution announcing another collaboration with Topshop whose release is planned in May, so we could conquer the amazing light-up Flatforms at the foot of the models. Don't push, there is enough for everyone.


We must disturb the dear old Queen to best describe the garments of KTZ FW14 collection: "I want it all, I want it now." And in fact, it's impossible to resist to the geometric patterns, to the monochrome palette and to the over and slim volumes that have dominated the London's catwalk of Kokon to Zai. We have to put the magnifying glass also on the metallic look - a gold that would make mad King Midas himself - and on the religious references and symbolism on which it's based the whole collection.



The new collection of Mary Katrantzou marks a break - maybe definitively - with the previous seasons, dominated by digital prints. Abandoned her trademark, the designer proposes a totally new line, proudly showing her ability to conquer territories she never explored. We especially like the colorful dresses with precious details that create geometric patterns, a must-have for the next season. Even chez Mary, we find garments dominated by symbolism and magic - that somehow mark an interesting continuation of the trend also proposed by KTZ.


Topshop unique, the high-fashion line of Topshop, dominated the Tate Modern entering into the heart - and the imaginary wardrobe - of all present and accepting immediate critical acclaim. Thumb up for a collection that takes its inspiration from the '70s, from British school uniforms and from floral theme. Needless to say, what struck us most were the transparent top on which appear beautiful floral inserts. A touch of innocent malice to the look.


London Fashion Week is known to be a week with a high level of creativity and avant-garde. One example is from Nasir Mazhar who, with his first womenswear catwalk show, has created a natural extension of his innovative menswear FW14 collection. A mixture of references ranging from hip-hop world to the cyber goth are the backgound of a collection to remember - it's impossible to forget the name of the designer, written everywhere. Particular highlight: the masks worn by the models that give the entire line a robotic and futuristic taste.