Cool Chit Chat and the californian adventure
November 5th, 2013
California, 12 -hour flight .
Never enough ready for such a kind of trip. To document there are like 50 -year history of television and cinema , and even before books and books, Beat Generation and the rest.
You land and stay upset, everything is huge. But incredibly similar to how you immagined it .
Dawson 's Creek, OC, Beverly Hills, all born on the coast between San Francisco and San Diego. To see live those places does not seem so far fetched a creative effort . Want to dive into a new reality and to discover the essence. Open your mind to every suggestion.
San Francisco

fog from the morning to early afternoon and then the splendor of the bay. Alcatraz as a small mole of melancholy. You eat crab and climb the streets of ups and downs . Hills put together as they enjoy a splendid view , and this year also the America's Cup. Bike ride to Sausalito, the Hamptons in San Francisco, and back to the ferry.
Then take the car and off we go, down to Mexico.
Palo Alto -Santa Cruz - Monterey

The Big Sur, between heaven and earth, and you begin to understand. Beaches intricate in a very thick vegetation alternating with barren areas. Turn your head and a pack of sea lions appears on the shoreline .
Wave - wind - sun 100 miles and eventually reappeared to civilization
Santa Barbara -Santa Maria -Los Angeles

City American prototype, repeated modules of shops and restaurants. But just a breakfast at a local real 50s and it feels newly Fonzie’s friends. Celebrate the Spanish as their ancestors, but now are the Mexican immigrants who celebrate. A huge American patriotism, omnipresent, that perhaps conceals a gap of strong cultural roots. Their Renaissance is now, or has just ended, to make room for other realities.
Move from city inhabited by Americans to Los Angeles is a shock. In line to tread the stars, lying on the ground to touch the handprints and breathe the air of Hollywood. Wonder of the villas of Bel Air and employ nearly two hours of free way to 14 lanes to exit the urban fabric and being among the most barren hills .
Malibu -Santa Monica - Venice Beach

Confused ideas and a thousand inputs, is a nation of paradoxes. Military bases as large as cities and communities hippie hidden in the mountains, obese and fitness fanatics, Hamburger butter and vegan restaurants, pick up and galactic fixie for six thousand dollars, semi- legalized marijuana and police everywhere.
I just have time to wonder what the real American dream that San Diego appears on the horizon, the last stop.
Nothing tourist routes, immersion in real life .
It is there that you know everything when you let your guard .
La Jolla Beach , surfers and waves . They wait for the right one, you are lulled by the wind, they swim in the direction of the risk and try to ride the power. Pure adrenaline .
Perhaps that is where the essence, aspects of the right wave and in the meantime tighten ties with those around you .
Wait for the moment with religious respect , it is the Pacific to face the opponent .
Appreciate every moment that you are given , with an infinite sense of belonging.