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Cool Chit Chat - Halloween edition

Zombie mood

Cool Chit Chat - Halloween edition  Zombie mood
Cool Chit Chat - Halloween edition  Zombie mood

The festivities arrive and we cannot rebel. Italy is full of recurrences, the marketing geniuses have gone looking through the maze of Anglo-Saxon tradition giving us Halloween. As if there were not  empty pumpkins 365 days a year. As if Carnival was not enough. But let's go step by step, it is almost assumed that you were invited by a friend to an Halloween party, and then you have to puzzled to find a proper horror outfits .

Your fantasy ended with the '94 Carnival and now you don’t know which way to turn. Thanks to our Halloween chart you can decide what kind of  monster you should be.

1. Naked girls. We are delighted by their presence throughout the year, but Halloween is one of the occasions in which the "good girls" can reveal their nature . The industry of women's costumes probably belongs to a porn boss. Witches with boobs out, little devils in baby doll, skeletons mischievous, languid nuns. A squallor which scares. Coherence is appreciate.

2. Art Attack 's Heirs. If you are of those who hate to spend to dress up as idiots (and you do have a point ) you can find a homemade solution. Type a white shirt, black pen and write.

" I just came for the candy"

" Which Witch Is Which ? "

" Error 404 . Costume not found "

If your friends have an extraordinary sense of humor, it could be the winning solution.

3. VIP. It is as easy to win , you just have to understand who is the person of the year , the one that everyone chat about. Last year it was Lady Gaga , this year Ratajkowski Emily and Miley Cyrus.  To imitate Emily is a little difficult, you should spend  few thousand euros for a plastic surgeon , you can fall back on Miley , which parodies abound. Paris Hilton has even disguised as her.

4. Embarrassing  items. Here you have to be real good in doing costumes, think to the more reluctant object  you know. Done? Now, build it. The history of the internet remember worn pads, poo, toilet, Mc Donalds’ fries. More crap you do, better is. You will be the center of attention at the party, absolute leander in originality, but if you want flirt this isn’t the best strategy.

5. Obvious costume. If you are absolutely devoid of imagination that you can take refuge in the obvious. Witches, skeletons, devils, ghosts. If you stay at home maybe you do notice more.

6. Without costume. You are to be put to shame, so devoid of personality that you have decided not to disguise. You did not want to think about, you do not have time, or ashamed. No, absolutely no excuse may be worth in the eyes of the organizer. Risky behavior and some might even exchange your face for an Halloween mask. And you deserve it .

Now go and strike for an amazing Halloween.

Twerk OR TREAT !?