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SCARPA Phantom 8000 HD boot climbed the K2

The first time ever that the mountain was climbed in winter

SCARPA Phantom 8000 HD boot climbed the K2 The first time ever that the mountain was climbed in winter
SCARPA Phantom 8000 HD boot climbed the K2 The first time ever that the mountain was climbed in winter

There has been a lot of talk about gorpcore in recent times, often forgetting that this aesthetic was born and grown from hyper-resistant and durable products, able to cope with any weather conditions. It is precisely to demonstrate the high performance of its products that the Italian brand SCARPA supported the shipment on the K2 in the middle of winter of its ambassador Nirmal "Nims" Purja – completed by him and his team of Nepalese mountaineers wearing the Phantom 8000 HD boot of the brand. A historic record: this is the first time ever that a team of mountaineers has managed to climb the second-highest mountain in the world during the adverse winter season. 

Sandro Parisotto, president of the brand, expressed not only great satisfaction with the feat accomplished by Nims and his team but also emotion for a day that will remain written in SCARPA's history: 

Mountaineering is made up of passion, great goals and brotherhood. The feat of Nims and his team tells all this. With respect and a spirit of service we are always close to the great athletes and for us at SCARPA it is an immense satisfaction to have contributed with our products to make this great dream possible too. 

The Scarpa Phantom 8000 HD boot is available on the brand's official website.