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The first interactive virtual exhibition of IED Milano

The best fashion student thesis projects in a dedicated app

The first interactive virtual exhibition of IED Milano The best fashion student thesis projects in a dedicated app
The first interactive virtual exhibition of IED Milano The best fashion student thesis projects in a dedicated app

IED Avant Défilé 2020 is the name that IED European Institute Design has given to the special interactive showcase that presents the 16 best IED Moda Milan thesis projects for a total of 18 new graduates involved in an immersive virtual exhibition, which can be visited by downloading a dedicated app. Thanks to this initiative, the creations of IED students will be made for the first time protagonists of a permanent exhibition, to reach the general public and involve it in the narrative created by the young talents of the desing of IED. Olivia Spinelli, Coordinator and Creative Director IED Moda Milano has reported: 

«Con IED Avant Défilé puntiamo a svelare soprattutto il processo di lavoro - espressione di una metodologia intelligente e in continuo sviluppo - più che a dare risalto al prodotto finito, alla collezione, in una sperimentazione di nuovi linguaggi tanto audace quanto necessaria».

The IED app Avant Défilé is created in Unreal Engine in collaboration with the Milanese digital art studio Streamcolors. Accessing the app will enter a real digital art gallery to discover all the projects and young designers. The visitor will cross sixteen "islands", each corresponding to a project/designer assimilating the creative mood and gaining access to a special room in which to experience the creative process of each designer: a video teaser introduces to the project concept, the integral video usable in the cinema zone deepens it, while sketches, figurines, render (and in some cases 3D models) exhibited in the gallery make the idea of his practical translation.

At IED Avant Dédilé 2020, a jury of experts was formed ready to evaluate the 16 graduate projects on display and to decide, on the basis of 7 parameters of both emotional and technical character the winner of a mentorship grant worth 5,000 euros, intended for technical support and know-how in the development of its own professional project. The protagonists of the virtual exhibition - selected by an internal technical commission - are 18 newly graduated IED Moda Milano in the courses of Fashion Design, Shoes and Accessories Design and Jewelry Design. They are Claudio Atzeni (with fellow Fashion Stylist Fabio Candotti and Mario Cattaldi), Jacopo Cazzoli, Eleonora Cutruzzulà, Valeria Fogazzi, Giorgia Gervasoni, Roberta Martin, Gianluca Minola, Alice Podavini, Davide Poloni, Omar Repossi, Neithan Herbert Ruiz Pillajo, Alessandro Rupilli, Francesca Spatola, Liliana Vai

The app IED Avant Défilé is already available both for Apple and Android devices.