Wes Anderson movies become an art exhibition
A gallery in NYC pays homage to the director
July 14th, 2015
Are you a Wes Anderson fan? You are not the only ones. A group of artists just took the Wes-mania to another level. After giving life to a videogame, countless playlists and youtube videos which examine his works in detail, the movies of the American director have finally become an exhibition, Bad Dads.

Wes didn’t organize it himself, Ken Harman did, the director and curator of the Joseph Gross Gallery in New York who reunited more than 70s artists from all over the world whose art is inspired by the universe created by his movies. It’s a pop up exhibition that will last for only a weekend which celebrates the director in the city protagonist of The Royal Tenenbaums. If you are so lucky to be in NYC right on the time of the show, you should definitely stop by.

Bad Dads VI - from August 7th - 9th, 2015 at Joseph Gross Gallery in New York.