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inhabit #9 - Liz Bernatzek

Berlin: city of romance and home

inhabit #9 - Liz Bernatzek Berlin: city of romance and home
inhabit #9 - Liz Bernatzek Berlin: city of romance and home

Liz Bernatzek is the protagonist of inhabit #9

Berliner, not by birth but by choice, Liz, through her pictures, works to create a connection between the fashion world and lifestyle. 

Today she tell us what does "home" means to her. 



Berlin became her home when she was looking for a place to live in Germany after living in Chicago for a year, a place where she could shape up her creativity. She came to Berlin with nothing - no friends, no apartment, and no job. Starting with an 8qm room, a super shitty job in a stupid restaurant in the coldest winter Berlin had in years, she faced the true face of the city and lost every fear. Liz started studying event management, became a professional bartender, moved to a beautiful flat in Friedrichshain and everything got the right way. Fighting for her love for this city she made everything to let this place become her home: "It's this feeling when you leave Berlin and it makes you smile when you come back". Also, Berlin has always been her favorite place to shoot, this is probably a reason why it also became her home. You can be whoever you want to be and express everything you want to. When someone asks her, what she thinks is so special about her home: "You can feel the different city vibes through the architecture of every area. I love to surround myself by massive concrete, car parks or any rooftop in Berlin. I sometimes get so excited about the smallest details, like a colorful corner of a building. I call this love 'city romantic’".

Liz Bernatzek, is 26 years old and lives in Berlin Neukölln. When she is not photographing, she works as a project manager for a digital agency called visumate, specialized in social media and visual brand marketing. In late 2013 she joined Instagram and started to photograph and model.
Liz is always looking for opportunities to create and to collaborate on content productions and workshops aimed to connect people. Her passion is to create a connection in her work between fashion and lifestyle in a unique way and to exchange skills with other creatives.


instagram @liz_b
website www.bernatzek.com