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Rosso Ferrari

Ferrari, the project of Federico Ferrari for the third issue of Edicola

Rosso Ferrari Ferrari, the project of Federico Ferrari for the third issue of Edicola
Rosso Ferrari Ferrari, the project of Federico Ferrari for the third issue of Edicola

Federico Ferrari is a photographer living between Venice and London and with his photographic project Ferrari is among the protagonists of the third issue of Edicola, the red.

The concept of Ferrari is a game between the homonymy of the Italian photographer and the well-known motor home. We asked him to talk about his inspiration and his connection with the red.



Text Message 
Fri, 31 Mar, 4:25 PM 

R Fede, will you shoot something for Edicola ? :)

Fri, 31 Mar, 11:15 PM 

F Sure! New theme or still the same?

R New theme, the red. Let's figured something out !

F Gladly and gladly I would do something "fashion"!

R Fashion/artsy “eheh”


Mon, 3 Apr, 3:09 PM 

R The theme is "red". Can you do something?

F Deadline? 

Mon, 3 Apr, 4:34 PM 

R A preview on April 15th. Then if you want the rest later

Mon, 3 Apr, 5:52 PM

F I try ;)

R Let me know what you have in mind, though
I'd love something with VeniceF Venezia

F With Venice they'll turn out postcards-like.
I was thinking or photos (through the screen) of Ferrari's pilots/fans
or pictures of yellow things and pictures of magenta things and to superimpose them. Et voilà, the red.

R Ferrari intrigued me either
I like both the idea
But do that jajaja
That I do care about this

F Promise I will do this. How many pictures do you want?


R About ten
In my opinion photos of the screen is easy and super cool
Very close to Edicola

F Ok go for that ;) 

R But do that about Ferrari. It's actually a bomb 
And you can do it from home

F Title: "How's Schumi?”

R Exactly !!! Ahahahha hahahahahaha I wanted to ask the permission 
to go to the Ferrare Museum in Modena to do some shootings 
Would you be interested ? a trip to see how it is :)
I get you the credits

F It would be great

R So you go on with the Ferrari screen pictures and I'll call the Ferrari museum 
So by the 15th you can go and have a look 


R So you are in the red gang 

F Yes! 

Wed, 12 Apr, 9:48 AM 

R Hi Fede
Do you have a preview of your work ? Thx

F Hi Ric, I'll send you the draft via mail so we talk about the project 

Discover Ferrari by Federico Ferrari, here.