NssPodcast | 18 - Gramme
October 14th, 2013
After its launch thanks to the label Output TrevorJackson and ten years of silence, no concert , no single ... nothing , the GRAMME are back, after a series of p ... with an album that definitely has a lot to say and say. Parties in the mid- '90s with a sound perhaps too ahead of its time, let's say that the bridge can be classified as one of the pioneering ESG and Liquid Liquid and the latest Lcd Soundsystem or Chk Chk Chk , came only in 1999 with a first release ( already ready in '97 ), who had in charge the whole electro -punk -funk that some years later would later rose to prominence . The song had undergone many fans of exception: Joe Goddard (Hot Chip) included it in the famous collection of DJ Kicks ! K7 signed HOT CHIP , and James Murphy still recognizes the influence that the first releases of the Gramme have had on the sound of his label DFA. At the end of 2002 the boys stop to artistic differences and who knows what ... But they have focused more loads than ever with 4 new Ep and the album Fascination came out earlier this year and ... hear, hear , are already in the studio to prepare a new LP which will be released in a few months .