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Why Kappa FuturFestival is more than just a festival

The return of the KFF told by its CEO Maurizio Vitale

Why Kappa FuturFestival is more than just a festival The return of the KFF told by its CEO Maurizio Vitale
Why Kappa FuturFestival is more than just a festival The return of the KFF told by its CEO Maurizio Vitale

Seventy artists from all over the world for 36 hours of music, also for this edition the Kappa FuturFestival does not disappoint expectations thanks also to a line-up that also sees Fout Tet, Peggy Gou, Michael Bibi, Carl Cox and Diplo. «We want to recreate that extraordinary magic interrupted in 2020 and consolidate the positioning of the Festival» said Maurizio Vitale, CEO of the FuturFestival in talking to us about the new edition that inevitably arrives after a long period of pause imposed by the pandemic. Also for this reason the return will take place with an unprecedented formula, passing from the canonical two days to three, from 1 to 3 July, always finding a home in one of the most fascinating locations in Italy: the Parco Dora, a huge post-industrial area capable of enchanting audience and DJs from all over the world. A work that earned KFF a mention among the 50 unmissable festivals in the book "FESTIVALS", a result that can also be obtained for the ability to know how to go beyond music, transforming the KFF into a media capable of communicating universal messages, such as success in this edition with Oliviero Toscani.

«He is an exceptional observer of our time,» Vitale explained to us. «Consider the KFF audience representative of the Human Race that he has portrayed with passion and admiration all over the planet for decades» added the CEO referring to the campaign shot by Toscani for this eleventh edition of the festival in which the name "Human Race" acquires an even more important value thanks to the sensitivity of the KFF towards the promotion of the territory, technological innovation and careful attention to the environment. «Our attention this year focuses on two directions: the collaboration with the" Mirror of Times Foundation "in support of war victims in Ukraine and the support of the" Help Olly "Association engaged in scientific research on spastic paraparesis, a rare genetic disease that has struck little Olivia» Vitale told us talking about the new philanthropic commitments of the Festival which aims, from now on to the next editions, to qualify as a cultural enterprise capable of pushing towards urban redevelopment, promoting the territory in a symbiotic relationship with the landscape has been hosting it for some time now, becoming, in the words of its CEO, «a generator of economy».

A path that will inevitably have to pass through the state of Italian festivals compared to foreign ones in which, according to Vitale, the lack of institutionalization suffered by the "cultural enterprises - Clubs & Festivals" continues to weigh. But despite the distance that still seems separating ourselves from foreign examples, the model of the Kappa FuturFestival probably remains among the most virtuous of all those seen in Italy, capable of combining music with the awareness of the outside world as every festival should be able to do nowadays.