How to attend Liberato's concert in Milan
May 15th, 2018
Vincenzo Schioppa
If June 9th only means one thing for you, you are right in continuing to read this article.
After the conquest of Naples, Liberato is about to win over Milan, with a super concert that will see him headline along with his latest successes - INTOSTREET and JE TE VOGLIO BENE ASSAJE - together with his past hits - 9 MAGGIO and GAIOLA PORTAFORTUNA -.
There will certainly be surprises along the way because with Liberato anything can happen, the question that surrounds the man with the black hood and Converse sneakers is unveiled once again to increase the curiosity of his Italian fans.
Liberato awaits you on June 9th for an incredible concert in the Barona district of Milan.
To participate you have to register HERE.