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Can AI make workers more satisfied?

For many companies it's a way to make an healthier work environment

Can AI make workers more satisfied? For many companies it's a way to make an healthier work environment

In recent years, artificial intelligence has carved out an increasingly important role in the workplace. Initially seen primarily as a tool to boost productivity, today many companies are turning to AI to enhance employee well-being. Large corporations like the U.S.-based Walmart, for example, are implementing AI-powered tools to assist workers in various daily tasks. Walmart is one of the world's leading retail chains, with thousands of stores and millions of employees: the company is increasingly using AI to improve the work experience of its employees, optimizing internal processes among other things. “Whether it's making certain tasks easier or helping store employees quickly find the information they need, AI is allowing us to do what truly matters: serving customers, developing new skills, and making our work more fulfilling.” These are the words of Walmart executive David Glick, who, in an interview with Business of Fashion, also emphasized how AI has proven to be a valuable ally in improving work-life balance within the company, thanks to optimized shift management and the reduction of unscheduled overtime.

According to experts, there is increasing evidence that AI—when properly utilized—can enhance workplace satisfaction, especially when it helps employees save time by using fewer resources, acquiring new skills, or making more targeted decisions. The luxury sector is also seeing benefits, particularly in improving customer service, writes Business of Fashion, while several tech companies have stated that AI has made human resource management easier. When used to enhance employees' work experience—rather than replace or monitor them—artificial intelligence can lead to numerous benefits, creating a more fulfilling and productive work environment. According to Glick, this approach is what makes the difference. Among other things, the adoption of AI in certain business processes often allows employees to gain greater autonomy, increasing their sense of control over their work. By eliminating repetitive tasks and providing real-time assistance, AI can enable workers to focus on more fulfilling activities—boosting productivity and outsourcing tedious tasks. For example, in the journalism field, automatic transcription software for audio files is increasingly popular, as it saves time for those who need to transcribe recorded interviews. For web developers, AI tools are very useful in detecting potential coding errors.

AI will not replace workers

To achieve real benefits, companies should maintain a more mindful approach towards artificial intelligence systems. For example, it is crucial to clearly explain to employees the advantages of integrating AI into work processes to avoid concerns about job replacement. In this sense, investing in training is essential: tailored programs can help workers familiarize themselves with AI and use it more effectively. The implementation of AI systems should also be accompanied by monitoring results to assess their impact on employee well-being and productivity, making any necessary adjustments or improvements. One example of business process optimization in the fashion sector is Saint Laurent, which, under the leadership of Francesca Bellettini—former CEO of the company—managed to double sales in five years, partly thanks to the adoption of AI-based technologies applied to various business processes. However, this does not mean that the increasing use of AI will inevitably replace skilled workers, even in sectors that have so far been untouched by automation. As Time Magazine pointed out, referencing a survey from last year on AI's impact, the majority of industry researchers do not believe that AI systems will be capable of performing every job better than humans in the medium term. Likewise, American writer David Brooks told the New York Times that he believes “AI is an ally, not an antagonist: a different kind of intelligence, more powerful than us in some ways, but more limited.”