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Gen Z is increasingly politically polarised

Young women favour progressive demands while their male counterparts lean towards conservative parties

Gen Z is increasingly politically polarised Young women favour progressive demands while their male counterparts lean towards conservative parties

From South Korea to the United Kingdom, passing through neighboring Germany and distant United States, a significant trend is emerging among under-30 voters: more and more women are increasingly leaning towards progressive parties, while more and more Gen Z men are inclined to support conservative forces. The phenomenon is receiving particular attention in countries like the United States, where the analysis of electoral dynamics within different demographic groups has traditionally been very thorough. Experts investigating the possible causes of this gender polarization suggest various hypotheses. Firstly, young women may be more sensitive to issues such as civil rights, equality, and environmental policies, which are often better represented in progressive parties. On the other hand, some male voters from Gen Z may be attracted to conservative values such as individual merit, rejection of political correctness, and a certain aversion to feminism.

Another possible explanation for young female voters’ inclination to support progressive parties could also lie in the political and social context in which they began voting. Many of them witnessed the rise of Donald Trump, who from the outset did not hide his resentment towards the feminist movement and repeatedly displayed disdain towards women. The repeal of the Roe v. Wade ruling further solidified this trend. In 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court (with a Republican majority) overturned the historic decision that had guaranteed access to abortion nationwide since 1973. Essentially, today each U.S. state can adopt its own legislation without constraints from the federal government. In this context, over ten states have banned or restricted abortion rights, forcing many women to travel beyond state borders to undergo an abortion without legal repercussions. The repeal of Roe v. Wade was a significant victory for Republicans, who had long been pushing for a national anti-abortion campaign. It is therefore not surprising that more and more female voters are distancing themselves from Republican candidates, many of whom publicly advocate that women should not aspire to emancipation.

Many young men, on the other hand, are increasingly drawn to right-wing policies because they believe that men have lost influence in economic, cultural, and political spheres due to society’s growing focus on social equality. One of the factors contributing to this gender polarization in voting habits is the strategy adopted by several right-wing politicians, who, through targeted speeches and a strong media presence on social media, are skillfully capitalizing on men’s resentment, managing to channel the discontent of a portion of young people and convincing them that social and economic progress has come at their expense. Even The Telegraph, in trying to understand the trend of Gen Z men voting conservative, points to «anti-science insanity» and «fake news that ooze out of social media». Another key element of this phenomenon is the education gap. Young women tend to achieve higher levels of education compared to their male counterparts, and numerous studies highlight how higher education levels can correlate with a greater tendency to support progressive policies. This divergence in educational paths and cultural influences not only affects individual political choices but could have long-term implications for electoral dynamics. The issue becomes even more significant in light of the increasing electoral weight of Gen Z, which is set to shape future politics. If the gender gap in voting choices continues to solidify, an increasingly pronounced divide between men and women could emerge, with significant consequences for public debate and the strategies adopted by parties to attract young voters.