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Lessons from the Paris 2024 Olympics for Milan-Cortina 2026

Avoiding pitfalls and maximizing profits, Italy will be challenged

Lessons from the Paris 2024 Olympics for Milan-Cortina 2026 Avoiding pitfalls and maximizing profits, Italy will be challenged

After an eventful and sports-filled summer, Paris has now turned the page: tourists from all over the world who came to watch the Olympic Games have left, along with the general cheerful atmosphere and friendly spirit of competition. However, the aftermath of the event has made its presence felt. While Paris provided memorable moments of sporting success and Olympic spirit, unavoidable questions about the economic, social, and environmental impacts imposed on the host country by such a large-scale event have arisen. To properly host the Games and its visitors, Paris generally exceeded the initial estimates, and the anticipated economic benefits, which could have boosted the overall financial returns from the Games, remain uncertain. In fact, the economic impact is estimated at 11.145 billion euros, but with negative effects on many local businesses (-60% in sales in some areas). All in all, a far less rosy picture than expected, which may concern Italy, as it will host the Winter Olympics in 2026. Italy is preparing to face a significant challenge: capitalizing on the positive legacy of the event and leveraging the advantages it offers without falling into the same traps as Paris. Fortunately for Italy, the French experience offers several insights and warnings that could influence the organization of Milan-Cortina and help avoid making the same mistakes.

Security and Cost Challenges

@sharof_0000 Paris 2024 #olimpicgames #olimpiadas #jo2024 #police #paris оригинальный звук - France Paris

Managing security for an event of this scale is highly complex. Despite a budget of 348 million euros and 45,000 officers, Paris still suffered from sabotage acts that paralyzed the TGV rail network, affecting three of the country's four main high-speed lines—a threat that could also loom over Milan-Cortina 2026. Even cutting-edge technologies like algorithmic video surveillance (AVS) and camera-equipped drones monitoring Olympic sites from the sky were not enough to prevent inevitable disruptions, adding to the list a problem of privacy and civil liberties concerns. Milan-Cortina 2026 will face similar, if not more complex, challenges in a geographically challenging Alpine region, with events spread over a vast area.

Legal Challenges and Community Impact

212 cases related to the event were brought to court. Of these cases, 41% involved economic and financial crimes, 44% were related to intentional violence and traffic violations, including unauthorized drone flights. These incidents resulted in 86 convictions, including 49 imprisonments and 8 stadium bans. Significant issues regarding the housing market and local communities also surfaced: the Olympic village was located in areas with a high crime rate, with more than 20,000 crimes recorded in 2020. The transformation of the Olympic village into a residential and commercial neighborhood may not yield the expected benefits unless security and crime concerns are properly addressed. Italy could face similar worries, such as gentrification, the potential negative impact on local communities, or the influx of tourists. Alpine communities may be less prepared to handle the influx of visitors and the economic consequences of the event.

Environmental Promises vs. Reality


Est-ce que J.O. rime avec écolo ? De nombreux efforts ont été fournis pour limiter l’impact environnemental des #JOParis2024, mais les objectifs sont-ils atteints ? Alexis Mathieu fait le point dans #GÉNÉRATIONGREEN. #Bsmart #pourtoi #fyp #impact #environnement #Paris2024 #énergie #co2 #sport

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Paris 2024 aimed to significantly reduce its environmental impact, with an estimated 1.58 million tons of CO2 emitted, falling short of the initial target. However, the final environmental assessment will not be known until the end of 2024, leaving a margin of uncertainty. The waste recycling goals are ambitious, but there is concern that the generated volume will exceed 6,000 tons. Emissions from transportation account for a third of the Games' carbon footprint, and solutions like electric vehicles and improved public transportation may not offset the damage caused by international flights and mass travel. Milan-Cortina, hosting the Winter Games, faces an even more complex challenge, as the event heavily relies on natural resources, raising doubts about maintaining a sustainable ecological approach.

Italy will have no choice but to find a balance between logistical needs and environmental protection, while respecting its guests, athletes, and especially avoiding compromising the visual landscape. It is also essential to ensure that the benefits of the Games are fairly distributed among local communities to create a lasting legacy. Milan-Cortina 2026 thus represents a unique opportunity for Italy, but also a great responsibility. Only meticulous planning and a long-term vision can turn the event into a driver of sustainable growth and prosperity for the country.