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Antitrust officially closes the Ferragni case

The influencer posted a link to a new press release on Instagram

Antitrust officially closes the Ferragni case  The influencer posted a link to a new press release on Instagram

Chiara Ferragni seems to have just found a happy ending to the story of Pandorogate and Easter Eggs. This morning, the influencer who last December was accused of "unfair commercial practice" and investigated by the Antitrust first for a charity collaboration with Balocco and then with Dolci Preziosi, posted a link to a new press release in her Instagram stories. The title, COMMUNICATION TO CUSTOMERS, the content, which, to close the case, TBS Crew Srl and Fenice Srl will donate 1,200,000 euros to "I Bambini delle Fate", the non-profit involved in the collaboration from which it all started. The Antitrust said it was satisfied with the commitments that the two companies will take from now on, as they demonstrate the willingness of both parties to protect consumers. The commitments made by Ferragni represent a step forward for the world of influencer marketing, continues the statement, and will serve «to identify a "model of behavior" that can serve as a benchmark for the entire sector». From now on, both the company that owns Dolci Preziosi and Ferragni's company will pay greater attention to their communication activities, and will clearly separate commercial operations from charitable ones; in addition, internal self-regulations inspired by the event will be established, «equipped with safeguards to ensure enforcement and accompanied by the organization of periodic training for the benefit of employees».

The hearing for the appeal that Chiara Ferragni proposed in the Balocco case was supposed to be held on July 17, but today, according to Messaggero, the influencer's lawyers will file the withdrawal of the proposal, and thus accept the fine of about one million euros for misleading advertising. This choice is also part of the agreement plan between the Antitrust and the influencer, a project, as described in the statement, a lesson not only for all content creators but for the entire social media marketing sector. In conjunction with these recent developments in the legal cases involving the founder of The Blonde Salad, just two days ago the influencer officially closed the brand's boutique in Milan, on Via Capelli, the first physical store of her clothing and accessories company.