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The perfect office lunch doesn't exis-

Here it is

The perfect office lunch doesn't exis- Here it is

More than cooking itself, thinking about what to prepare for lunch and dinner seems to be a worry for those less inclined to culinary arts. For some, mealtime is a moment of sharing with others as well as personal care, while others have posted on TikTok how the effort only brings them a great annoyance, fueled by the sense of obligation they feel towards the act of eating. «I can't wait for them to invent a food pill,» commented a user under one of these posts. If thinking about what to cook every day already seems like a burden when it comes to a hot homemade meal, it's easy to imagine the growing hatred felt by those less passionate about cooking when they have to organize a packed lunch for the office. The "schiscetta", a term used in the northwest regions of Italy to define the packed lunch, is perhaps the saddest food we can ever face, especially when consumed directly from the plastic container. Unless we are excellent cooks or have the good fortune to have a loved one who prepares it with care - like the packed lunch prepared by mom for the school trip - inventing tasty but practical lunches for five days a week can be quite a burden. Despite being at the threshold of summer, the New York Times has published a guide on how to create the "Perfect Desk Lunch."

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A balanced meal is not only healthy in the long run, but it also produces immediate beneficial effects, relieving stress, containing hunger, and stabilizing blood sugar levels, explains nutritionist Maya Feller to the American newspaper. The perfect "schiscetta" includes the right mix of lean proteins (25%), healthy fats (25%), and complex carbohydrates (50%). The latter, Feller explained, can be a better choice compared to simple ones as they are not converted into sugar immediately and have a higher fiber content, such as whole grain rice or bread. For fats and proteins, grilled chicken, fish or black beans, avocado, olive oil, or nuts are recommended - which are good for the mind. In total, adds nutritionist Erin Palinski-Wade, a complete lunch should aim to contain about 31 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat, 62 grams of carbohydrates, and 10 grams of fiber (of course, this is a general reference, a myriad of different factors influence the actual nutritional needs of each individual).

Now that it has been clarified what it should contain nutritionally, it's time to think about how to compose the “perfect schiscetta”. Cookbooks and cooking accounts can be valuable allies, like Cucinare Stanca. Moreover, preparing a nice big portion at dinner and packing it for the next day is always a good idea, as long as the menu changes daily (as all the most famous cookie packages read, the best diet is healthy and varied). For this summer, nutrition biology graduate Giulia Nicolini suggested one of the “schiscettas” you could add to your office menu could be an easy and quick chickpea salad with whole grains, zucchini, and EVO oil, for a veggie variant, or the classic with green beans, potatoes, tuna, onion, and EVO oil - «but also couscous and cherry tomatoes with the addition of tuna, chicken, or legumes». In short, the perfect schiscetta is a customizable puzzle that changes with the seasons. See you in October, with pumpkin and cooked apples.