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Everything you need to know about Paris Nuit Blanche 2024

A poetic and spectacular night

Everything you need to know about Paris Nuit Blanche 2024 A poetic and spectacular night

Paris is once again preparing to light up under the mystical veil of Nuit Blanche, this annual celebration where the city transforms into a gigantic open-air museum. The 2024 edition, scheduled for June 1st, promises a rich and varied program, orchestrated by the artistic direction with an almost poetic sensitivity. From grand installations to spectacular performances, every corner of the capital will vibrate to the rhythm of contemporary art and creative innovation. Among the highlights of this edition are the works of Romuald Grimbert-Barré and Johana Malédon, whose Saint-George en Mouvement(s): Chevalier virtuose offers a bold revisitation of historical myths through luminous installations and captivating performances. Raphaël Barontini, on the other hand, unveils Déboulé céleste, a celestial exploration of the boundaries between dream and reality, promising a breathtaking visual spectacle. Nuit Blanche 2024 is not limited to a simple art exhibition. It is experienced, felt, and explored.

Gwladys Gambie with  Zumbi (Métaphore du Pyekoko) offers a sensory immersion into a powerful metaphorical universe. Edgar Arceneaux and his installation The Mirror Is You invite spectators to an introspective reflection, transforming the urban space into a giant mirror. This year, the focus is on contemporary and engaged themes, with works like I CAN(‘t) BREATHE by Jean-François Boclé, Julien Boclé, and Thierry Pécou, a poignant installation that questions social injustices through a striking aesthetic. Similarly, the collective work of Marlon Griffith, WE WILL NOT BOW, embodies an artistic protest against modern oppressions. The magic of Nuit Blanche also extends to the Métropole du Grand Paris, with events like Rituals Riots by Discobole I Cie & Label, an artistic dialogue between tradition and modernity. Le Carreau du Temple will host Being Born A Girl by K10 Candice Martel, a poignant exploration of gender and identity issues. For this 2024 edition, Nuit Blanche continues to innovate while remaining faithful to its essence of collective and artistic celebration. With installations like À vélo at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal and outdoor dance performances, this night promises to be a true cultural odyssey through the streets of Paris.