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In Milan you can actually pay with Monopoly banknotes

Without the need to buy any land properties

In Milan you can actually pay with Monopoly banknotes  Without the need to buy any land properties

There was a time when people used to say «as fake as Monopoly money,» but in a few days' time, this phrase will be worthless. On 8 June, in honour of one of the world's most famous and best-loved board games, the "Pay with Monopoly" initiative will make a dream come true for anyone who has ever found themselves having fun with Rich Uncle Pennybags' coloured paper banknotes, because from noon, at the Al Panino Imprevisto food truck in Milan's Piazza XXV Aprile, lunch can be paid using Monopoly's signature currency. With this project, Hasbro Italy inaugurates a series of no less than 37 different original adventures in collaboration with TLC Worldwide's platform, aimed at celebrating the nostalgic memories of those who as children - or as adults - spent hours between a roll of the dice and a stop at the phantomatic Prison. 

In Milan you can actually pay with Monopoly banknotes  Without the need to buy any land properties | Image 455842
In Milan you can actually pay with Monopoly banknotes  Without the need to buy any land properties | Image 455843

For lunch, the Monopoly-style truck will be serving a menu of classic and vegetarian gourmet sandwiches, as well as refreshing drinks to enjoy with friends; to get the fantastic banknotes, just ask the stewards and hostesses equipped with the pastel-coloured currency. The 'Pay with Monopoly' initiative that started on 22 May will offer numerous unique sensory experiences throughout Italy until 2 July. Anyone who buys a Monopoly game will be able to sign up at to gain access to activities regarding sports, relaxation, nature, entertainment or the discovery of Italian cuisine, receiving cumulative vouchers of 50 euro available until September and usable until the end of March 2024. Who would have thought that all those evenings spent fighting over a mortgage would ever come to such good use?