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Contemporary art in the heart of Tuscany

Hypermaremma reaches its fourth edition

Contemporary art in the heart of Tuscany Hypermaremma reaches its fourth edition
Contemporary art in the heart of Tuscany Hypermaremma reaches its fourth edition

Hypermaremma was born from a superlative that, in a lightning manner, modernizes and accelerates the famous dilated Maremman times. This antithesis leads us to rediscover and reinterpret the hidden beauties of a landscape so wonderfully uncontaminated.This year, in the heart of Maremma, opens the fourth edition of the contemporary art festival that focuses on the territory and its unexpected wonders. Hypermaremma triggers every time a new reading of the landscape and redesigns it through the alienating magnifying glass of the new artistic avant-gardes.

At the center of the research that gave birth to the project, there is the territory and its history, from the Etruscans to the Romans, to the state of the church up to the Italy of the XXI century.The project is configured on different artistic perspectives, ranging from large land-art installations, visual and musical performances to live experiences, telling the Maremma with a contemporary narrative key and ‘hyperactive,’ deliberately short-circuited with its history. In this way, art becomes accessible to everyone and reaches a transversal public, involving the everyday society and especially the most local realities.

Artists are invited to reflect on a new measure, on a new place, which is itself a work of art;  therefore, two realities that are temporally disconnected have to coexist and dialogue. The artistic research is projected into a dimension that is off-center, disconnected, and disjointed. New connections are opened between art and life in places that unexpectedly undertake new relationships with the space of the territory. Hypermaremma eliminates any conventional certainty and presents a constellation of artistic and musical interventions outside the common aesthetic perimeter.The program takes shape in a large portion of the Maremma territory, from the WWF oasis of Burano, which in 2020 hosted Massimo Uberti’s emblematic installation, ‘Spazio Amato’, in which the artist uses neon light as a semantic trace to redesign the landscape that hosts the intervention; to the solitary hills of Fonteblanda, with Goldrake’s iconic fist, ‘Totem,’ created by the artist Moira Ricci, originally from the area to tell and investigate the cultural and social identity of her land. Up to reach one of the places of reference of Tuscany, the lagoon of Orbetello, with a large intervention on an environmental scale made with an incredible pictorial action by Mario Airò that redraws, with a hypnotic laser beam of green color, the mirror of lagoon water with “Watercolour”.


This year, Hypermaremma opens in the setting of the dunes of the beach of Ansedonia with “I Giocolieri dell’Armonia”, twelve dancing figures by the artist Giuseppe Gallo, who stand out like a mirage on the horizon of the sea between the dunes of the beach. Gallo’s works are characterized by a dense weave of signs, symbols, and suggestive shapes that stimulate deep reflections on the bond between man and nature. The sculpture summarizes the archetypal dualism of the human being: instinct and utopia reached thanks to the dynamism of the bodies and the static nature of the nape, a key concept of Gallo’s investigation. The artist says that for him, the work is an attempt to paint the sea since it is two-dimensional, but once the piece is mounted, he realizes that it is the sea that paints the work, marking it day after day with saltiness.The second appointment of Hypermaremma sees as protagonist the artist Rachel Monsov. In a complex historical moment of humanity, the artist intervenes by dialoguing with the territory of the natural oasis of Orbetello, with a series of actions that manifest the unrequited relationships between living beings. The performance sees two performers separated by an obstacle that does not allow them to reach each other because the distance between the two bodies is too intense to be overcome.These two projects officially open Hypermaremma’s 2022 program composed of a series of diffuse works that will take shape in June and July, continuing to leave signs and traces in one of the most iconic and historically experienced Italian territories.