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Perhaps we have trusted Kim Kardashian too much

The clash between celebrity culture and real life

Perhaps we have trusted Kim Kardashian too much The clash between celebrity culture and real life

In the last few days, an excerpt of an interview given by Kim Kardashian to Variety has gone viral, in which the founder of SKIMS launched into a valuable advice for career women who, according to her, do not want to work. «Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days» said Kim with a terribly serious and threatening look, launching into an invective too absurd to be true. The reasons why Kardashian's sentence has become so discussed in a few days are quite clear, especially because they come not only from someone born and raised in a rich and privileged environment, but especially because we are talking about a person who has never really had to face the world of work. Because rearranging Paris Hilton's closet is not a job. On Tiktok, of course, the audio went viral, transforming itself not only into a means to tell about work experiences on the edge of human, but especially to bring out several anecdotes about Kim Kardashian's true relationship with the world of work. «That time when SKIMS contacted me for a job offering me $0 and a 50% discount» she told on the platform @namiimanx, just one of the many voices that have described a work ethic light years away from the philosophy staged by Kim, between offers of unpaid collaborations and employees who struggled to make ends meet with the salary offered.

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A scenario not so different from that of many other companies, but that in this case clashes resoundingly with the philosophy of the new Kim Kardashian, the one who for some months has taken by storm the covers of magazines and the audiences of fashion weeks to bring forward the story of the new Kim. A story of an independent career woman, despite the fact that she herself has admitted that it is still her mother Kris who takes care of most of her contracts, who, on the strength of the success of SKIMS, the brand of shapewear co-founded in 2019 with Jens Grade, is trying to shape the narrative around herself as she has always been used to doing since her adolescence. But unlike a reality show, a world Kim knows very well, the narrative of the real world, the one beyond the cameras doesn't bend to her wishes or statements but rather, as in this case, is ready to throw the truth in her face.

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If someone has already called loudly for the intervention of the "cancel culture", the solution to the problem is actually much simpler than the media pillory and passes through an overestimation of a phenomenon that, despite a change of look and the removal of some prosthesis, remains the daughter of a consumer culture that has allowed her to create a character that will always remain distant from reality, an inapplicable example and that for this reason should not be taken into account by anyone. «You had a Benz at sixteen, I could barely afford an Audi» said her ex-husband Kanye West in one of the pieces in which he described the genesis of their relationship, ideally drawing the line between "us and them", between celebrity culture and real life. If Kim Kardashian's sentences hurt, they sound like a punch in the stomach to all the people who live daily in a stressful and wearing working world, the fault is also ours, that we let ourselves be dragged by a narrative built at the table, trusting too much in Kim and her sisters.