Models of Diversity - The Eyes See more than the Heart Knows !!!
March 19th, 2010
What about this...?
Two worlds so far from each other, but seen in a larger picture they are the same; both sold as puppets on a string to the world of entertainment, keeping their heads up high in glittering spotlights full of hope, while they are fearing the final cut. The cut that cuts all of their strings and let them fall as faded stars and victims in a world that has kept them locked up and kept them down day by day. What world is that ? It is a world where the eyes see more than the heart knows !
Harsh ? Hm… maybe, but a reality ! Nevertheless a shameless world that is breathing and that is living at its best in our daily lifestyle with illusions about role models and icons placed higher and higher every day in our society. It improves its conditions and in that way increases the dark shadows of a daily life as a model.
As a successful model Angel Sinclair knows shadows and a daily lifestyle all to well by heart. Her knowledge is wide. It reaches from the very deepest corners of the catwalk to the world of promotions and television. Only by an overwhelming mental power and a desire to achieve the very best in herself and people around her, she survived the dark side of the “glamorous“ life as a typical stereotype model .
Today she is an agent for Sinclair Management and promoter of Models of Diversity and she has victories every day together with her amazing team of professional fashion people and models.
With the philosophy “tell me what you are looking for – I can bring it together!” they amaze the world around them by raising the level for true natural beauty and puts it in its right place as the ideal role model and icon. With a twist, it comes in all shapes, heights and colours .
It is the icon every single every woman or man around can identify themselves with. The blond-brunette stereotype size zero begins to fade beside the new one, and never the less it gives hope and reaches out to everybody, who might have a dream of becoming the next top model, with the message that the key to success as a top model is not about to vomit and starv every day. It’s about keeping healthy, which means that beauty is not something you see in the medias. It is right in front of you, behind you and beside you. It’s what you see with your eyes and heart.
Angel Sinclair and the amazing team have made huge steps in a very short time, but there is still a long way to go. Rome was not built in one day – but it was built and is still standing, and so are Models of Diversity.
With Kelly Knox, winner of BBC3`s reality show “Britian's Missing Top Model”, as the first real icon and member of the amazing team, Models of Diversity has taken another huge step towards its goal.
Kelly inspires and encourages everybody she comes near with her dazzling personality and open mind. She shares every bit of the industry’s secrets just as she fights for more positive role models for young people to look up to in the medias. A job and a fight more than well done for both Kelly and Angel Sinclair and the amazing team.
With a magazine, campaigns, new models, growth every day and positive reactions, I'll say: This is what you should watch . It's a whole new revolution to a whole new generation of the real idol models and icons.
The goal of turning this world around isn't that far from being reached, and neither is the ambition of getting more coloured models to make it big in the UK .
It was with my but and boobs two inches further down and a low self esteem I entered Angel Sinclaire and the amazing team's world and it is with happiness, with a natural beauty uplift of my body and a much higher self esteem that I leave it again.
Feeling that the world, where the eyes see more then the heart knows, is something that belongs to the past and that the true key, when it comes to making it on the catwalk, is something that lays beyond what we use to see as beauty, success, money and fame.
It's the ability to show the natural beauty from within yourself that's the key to it, along with a healthy and happy life.