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5 reasons Marni AW15 Ad campaign stole our hearts

5 reasons Marni AW15 Ad campaign stole our hearts


"What we wanted was to create beautiful yet strong images that stand alone, each one having an impact of its own without the others” said Consuelo Castiglioni about Marni AW15 campaign.

It’s the first time after 20 years the Italian brand invests in an advertising campaign and these images are highly unconventional for the purpose, besides being beautiful.

The collection is the one we admired last March during Milan women’s fashion week: floral prints, geometric volumes, macro jewerly, overlappings and silhouettes with an Asian attitude. The atmosphere is modern and refined, in perfect Marni style.

We analyze in 5 points the reasons why we have loved this campaign at first sight:

#1 It's the first campaign from the 90s

Consuelo Castiglioni’s brand has always been out of the dynamics of the advertising market. The images of the first campaign of the brand have been much talked about not only because of this news, but also for their strong photographic impact. Marni has demonstrated to be able to impose itself in the market (and on the press) even without advertisement, but these images will certainly contribute to consolidate the image of the brand worldwide.

#2 It perfectly depicts the Marni woman

The protagonist of the campaign is the 23-year-old Dutch model Marte Mei Van Haaster, but potentially it could be any model with dark hair. In the images we never really get to see her face and this, besides being a revolutionary attitude for a fashion campaign, contributes to give the images a certain mystery Magritte-like. The Marni woman is proud and independent: she doesn’t need to seduce with her looks to impose her personality.

#3 The palette is pastel, but not romantic

The dominant colours of the campaign could remind you of the ones of a doll house. But the protagonist is absolutely not that kind of static doll. She likes to subvert the rules and rebels herself to the photographer’s lens. The pink is not synonym of romanticism anymore but an emblem of feminine affirmation in the world.

#4 The interior design is modern and sought after

In the campaign we see the corners of a house with a modern and sought after design. The walls have strong and always different colours, the floor is in soft carpet, the wood furniture looks Nordic and essential and the iconic bag of the brand lies on a marble surface in front of a background made of a Wes Anderson coloured wallpaper.

#5 The photographer is new to the luxury world

The campaign has been shot by Anglo-American artist Jackie Nickerson, for the first time dealing with a luxury brand. Consuelo noticed her pictures in a book a couple of years ago and asked her to shot a series of intimate moments from the life of a Marni woman. Before Marni she realized numerous projects about Africa, its costumes and its inhabitants, and recently she shot Kanye West x adidas look book investigating the uniqueness of the models. Her photos are exposed in many museums around the world among which the MoMA in NY and the National Gallery of Ireland.