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nss mood test: find out the color which best represents you

and the matching sneaker

nss mood test: find out the color which best represents you and the matching sneaker

Every mood and every feeling correspond to a different color. It is well known that adopting the color of your mood as the basis of your daily look is the best way to find a coincidence between the inner being and the outer appearance.

Besides a purely personal factor, wearing a yellow shirt could - for example - make us look cozy and solar to the eyes of the others; as well as, on the contrary, a dark outfit could serve as a warning to the ones we meet, a sort of non-verbal "go away".

Our NSS MOOD TEST is here today to help you understand better how you feel, what color you are, and consequently, which sneaker reflects the most your personality.

1. What is first thing you thought about this morning?

A. "Today the sun is shining"

B. "Two more minutes, please"

C. "Never a joy"

D. "It's very late"


2. How are you going to spend your evening?

A. Beer with friends.

B. Around one of the hot spots of the city with my girlfriend/boyfriend.

C. Movie night at home with a glass of red wine.

D. I'm going to read a book on the couch.


3. A friend asks you for a big favor - although you don't have the slightest desire to move a single finger. What do you do?

A. I try to help him anyway.

B. I don't think twice, friends are always at the first place for me.

C. I simply tell him that I can't.

D. First I have to finish a few things. If he still needs me later, I'll see what I can do for him.


4. Lunch time, what do you eat?

A. I call a couple of friends and we go out for a burger.

B. I take one of my cookbooks and I look for an interesting recipe.

C. Japanese take away at home.

D. Something easy and low-calories: I'm going out for dinner tonight so I’ll have something light.


5. You see a person hitchhiking on the roadside. You aren't late and you could give him a ride. What do you do?

A. I stop and I ask him where he needs to go. If it's not too far, I'll surely give him a ride.

B. He/She hypothetically could be the man/woman of my life. Ok, let's stop and see.

C. I'm not a taxi!

D. Does he/she seem a reliable person? Doesn't he/she hide Swiss boxcutters in the shoe? Well, ok, I can help him/her.


Majority of answers A:

How do you feel: optimistic, cheerful, friendly, joyful.

What color are you: YELLOW.

Which sneaker is for you: NIKE ROSHE ONE NM POLKADOT PACK.

Majority of answers B:

How do you feel: romantic, dreamer, lovely.

What color are you: PINK.

Which sneaker is for you: NIKE AIR FORCE 1 07 'PRM QS AIRBRUSH.

Majority of answers C:

How do you feel: powerful, strong, independent, sophisticated.

What color are you: BLACK.

Which sneaker is for you: LE COQ SPORTIF LCS R9000.

Majority of answers D:

How do you feel: calm, reliable, thoughtful.

What color are you: BLUE.

Which sneaker is for you: ADIDAS CAMPUS 80S JAPAN PACK VNTG.



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