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Fashion weeks around the world SS16 - LCM

from runway to moodboard

Fashion weeks around the world SS16 - LCM from runway to moodboard
Fashion weeks around the world SS16 - LCM from runway to moodboard

Bye Bye London Fashion Week. Models, designers and fashionistas leave. Only the clothes remain. And the ideas that inspired them.

The Marbella foam parties chosen by Christopher Shannon, the 90s Manchester of  Lou Dalton e House of Holland, the Las Vegas of Katie Eary or the eccentric football players of Sibling.

Here's the journey of nss through the collections of this London fashion week.

Star Wars: May the force be with you 

Bobby Abley - Darth Vader

J.W. Anderson - Luke Skywalker

Bobby Abley - Troopers

Bobby Abley - Robot

Bobby Abley - Chewbecca

An hommage to

Dunhill - Mike Hawthorn

Christopher Raeburn - Tom Harrison in Borneo

Topman - Northen Soul

Katie Eary - Las Vegas neon signs

J.W. Anderson - Search Word Puzzle

Katie Eary - My Mini Pony

At the movies

Nazir Mazhar - Mad Max Fury Road

Astrid Anderson - Eddie Murphy "Raw"

Coach - Matt Dillon "Flamingo kid"

J.W. Andersen - "The red shoes"

Art & Design

Sibling - Kehinde Wiley

Kit Neale - Akinao Saito

Alexander McQueen - Vintage nautical prints

Craig Green - Riccardo Guasco

KTZ - Chris Burden "Metropolis II"

Agi&Sam - Hedi Slimane "American Youth"

Burberry - Dad Sinnen

Christopher Kane - Imi Knoebel