Anne Van Den Boogaard FW 2013 Collection
Infinity �n shit
October 2nd, 2013
Anne Van Den Boogaard is a young designer with a strong and directed character, so as to entitle her first collection “Infinity' n shit”. Recent graduated to Amsterdan Fashion Institute, this Dutch girl, moved to London, is inspired by the eternal dualism between life and death, choosing, thanks to her fresh touch, to celebrate the first. A childish, naive and positive anarchy animates her collection, which blends couture and street style. Color, volume, vibrant love of life and a bit of romantic folly inebriate all of them, mash-up between wedding dresses and uniforms cheerleader. Anne crosses the boundaries between beauty and ugliness, streets strewn with pom-poms, tulle, prints, writings, games of overlap and lengths, giving a smile to face the day.