BJÖRN BORG #Unforgettablenight
Powered by Vice Media
April 4th, 2013
VICE, ha annunciato il lancio del nuovo sito di nightlife Photography, Il sito è una collaborazione tra VICE Sweden e il brand Bjorn Borg. Per dare il via a tutto ciò Björn Borg ha richiesto le prestazioni di due fotografi TOP del mondo della notte e dei party più indimenticabili, il leggendario fotografo Sven Marquardt e Pablo Frisk di Vogue. I due appaiono in due video reportage che funzioneranno da ispirazione per altri sei fotografi di locali notturni, che si impegneranno a catturare l'essenza di un notte indimenticabile, in una serie di quindici fotografie. Sul sito, si può osservare, confrontare e lasciarti ispirare dalla vita notturna vista da diversi punti e diverse città del mondo. Foto catturate in momenti unici di follia, di gioia ed euforia saranno la celebrazione di una nuova forma d'arte. Sei fotografi provenienti da Svezia, Olanda, Italia, Danimarca, Francia e Gran Bretagna presenteranno quindici foto, raffiguranti la propria notte indimenticabile. Lo stile di vita moderno che tutti noi stiamo oggi vivendo rende difficile, ottenere del tempo per fare tutte le cose che vogliamo in un giorno, o di anche in una settimana, e partecipare a tutte le manifestazioni e feste che vogliamo e incontrare tutti gli amici che desideriamo. Come tutti sappiamo, il tempo non è sempre dalla nostra parte. Inoltre attraverso Instagram le persone possono prendere parte alla notte indimenticabile di ogni fotografo, in ogni città del mondo e vedere tutto quello che è successo durante quei momenti folli e indimenticabili.
VICE, the global youth media company announced the launch of the new nightlife photography site, The site is a collaboration between VICE Nordics and the Swedish fashion brand Björn Borg. To kick off this launch VICE and Björn Borg asked two established photographers to reveal the story of their most unforgettable night. The result is two films published on the site, featuring legendary photographer Sven Marquardt and Vogue event photographer Pablo Frisk. The films will work as an inspirational platform from where six other nightlife photographers will engage in capturing the essence of an unforgettable night, in a photo series of fifteen photos each. On the site, one may observe, compare and get inspired by nightlife photography from different perspectives and cities around the world. Photos capturing the unique moments of madness, joy, euphoria or just in-the-moment-geniality will be celebrated as an art form. VICE together with Björn Borg wants to embrace those who capture our best moments in life, through their lens. Six nightlife photographers will be launched, one by one, once a week. The photographers from Sweden, Holland, Italy, Denmark, France and UK will showcase fifteen unique photos each, portraying their own unforgettable night. In their contribution we will see insane nights lived out by different people, captured from different perspectives, and interpreted through different stories, all with the unique and personal essence of these young contemporary artists. Through the unforgettable night campaign we get to know the people running in and out of clubs every night, working to capture those moments that you might have missed, those moments you crave the most to keep with you. They capture that favorite moment in a blink of an eye, because they are the ones who make it possible for us to remember the best of moments, even though we, at the time, might have been just slightly out of focus. The modern lifestyle that we are all are living today makes it hard for us to get the time to do all the things we want in a day, or even in a week, to attend all the events and parties we want and meet all of the friends we long for. As we all know, time is not always on our side. The photography, photographers, films and stories at take you into the back-roads of not just one night in one town, but six different nights, in six different cities, lived by six different people. And through the Instagram exhibition people can take part of each other’s unforgettable nights, in every city around the world, by every single person participating. The unforgettable night campaign focuses on the moments and the storytelling of photography – it takes us all on a journey around the world and back, using only a photo as our vehicle.