55DSL SS 2013 fashion film
A film by Aoife McArdle
March 25th, 2013
Dopo la fortunata collaborazione con i talentuosi art director CANADA, per presentare la collezione SS 2013 quelli di 55DSL si sono affidati all'estro e al talento irlandese della giovane Aoife McArdle, che ha saputo raccontare con la giusta intimità ed elganza una storia fatta di amicizia, di affetti, da luoghi da ricordare. Un'altra Italia, nel cuore del texas, mette in risalto il rapporto dei personaggi con gli animali e con i luoghi, raccontando come le piccole cose di tutti i giorni celano anche loro, o forse soprattutto loro, la straordinarietà della vita.
Following on from the FW12 collaboration with directors CANADA and the film “Beyond Mountains, More Mountains”, the creativity continues in 2013, however this time 55DSL have ventured overseas to discover the Italian essence in new frontiers. 55DSL proudly present their next short film for Spring / Summer ’13 – shot in its entirety in the blazing hot plains of the U.S.A. – entitled Italy, Texas.
For this daring departure from Italian soil, 55DSL enlisted talented filmmaker Aoife McArdle. And in the small town of Italy, Texas, not far from Dallas, the acclaimed Irish born director found the perfect setting to tell a story of unique and unconventional friendships. A celebration of creativity inspired by the new 55DSL collection. For two weeks this other Italy became the film set and its wonderful residents – including their pets – were the stars.