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House Of Holland SS 2013 Sunglasses Campaign

Shot by Danielle Levitt

House Of Holland SS 2013 Sunglasses Campaign Shot by Danielle Levitt

House of Holland presenta la sue second collezione di occhiali da sole per questa prossima stagione estiva. Nella campagna scattata da Danielle Levitt, compare la cantante degli IO ECHO, Ioanna Gika, in perfetto mood anni 70. Un set volutamente Kitsch, decorato non a caso con rose e fiori, mentre lo styling è a cura di Heathermary Jackson.


House of Holland presents its second collection of sunglasses for the next summer season. In the campaign shot by Danielle Levitt, shows the singer IO ECHO, Ioanna Gika, in perfect mood 70s. A set deliberately kitsch, not coincidentally decorated with roses and flowers, while the styling is by Heathermary Jackson.