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M2Malletier bags

Leather bags as little treasures of design

M2Malletier bags Leather bags as little treasures of design

Il minimalismo è un’arte, una che Marcela Velez e Melissa Losado, fondatrici di M2MALLETIER conoscono bene. Con il loro brand creano borse in pelle che sono piccoli gioielli di design, rigore ed essenzialità. Si ispirano alle opere del francese Jean Michel Frank, designer di interni, e dell’architetto catalano Ricardo Bofill e questo si riflette nell’architettura nuda delle borse M2MALLETIER. Questa label spagnola realizza le it bags del futuro.


Minimalism is an art, one that MarcelaVelez and Melissa Losado, founder of M2MALLETIER, know well. With their brand they create leather bags which are little treasures of design, strictness and essentiality. The two girls are inspired by the works of the French Jean Michel Frank, interior designer, and of the Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill and this is reflected into the nude architecture of  M2MALLETIER bags. This Spanish label realizes the it bags of the future.