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3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation

The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25

3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25

The new SS25 campaign by 3.PARADIS is a dreamlike journey between unity and individualism, a visual representation of our globalized yet fragmented reality, constantly evolving. The set is a surreal collage of cultures, symbols, and overlapping architectures, creating a landscape that feels both familiar and alien. With technology amplifying our connection and expanding our awareness, the brand explores the intersection of stories, aesthetics, and traditions merging into a unique and ever-changing narrative. The boundaries between real and imagined dissolve, reflecting an era in which everything is accessible, yet nothing is truly tangible.

3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553883
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553878
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553879
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553880
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553881
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553882
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553886
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553885
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553884
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553883
3.Paradis' new campaign chronicles connection and alienation The paradox of our world in the Parisian brand's SS25 | Image 553878

Through shots that alternate between proximity and distance, the campaign tells the story of the duality of contemporary existence—being together yet alone. The images capture groups in which each individual emerges with their own identity, standing out through color, styling, and movement, yet without losing the sense of belonging to a greater whole. It is the visualization of the tension between community and individualism, between inclusion and isolation, between the desire to be seen and the fear of getting lost in the crowd. 3.PARADIS transforms this complexity into a powerful and symbolic aesthetic, making fashion the visual language of an era suspended between connection and alienation.