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There is a new documentary on Stone Island

It is called “Infinite Colours” and pays homage to the brand's community

There is a new documentary on Stone Island  It is called “Infinite Colours” and pays homage to the brand's community

Stone Island has announced the release of Infinite Colours, a feature film directed by Ken-Tonio Yamamoto that celebrates the beating heart of the brand: the community of people working at its headquarters in Ravarino, in the province of Modena. Already available on Stone Island's YouTube channel, the film explores the philosophy and creative process that define one of the most innovative brands in the fashion industry. Entirely shot in Stone Island's research and experimentation center, Infinite Colours is described by the director as a "docu-poem” blending documentary storytelling with poetic visual and verbal elements. Through images and testimonies, Yamamoto takes the audience inside the brand's workshops, highlighting the importance of the human factor in the creation of its collections. Ken-Tonio Yamamoto, a multimedia artist and director, has collaborated with Stone Island for over 15 years, creating films and video installations that capture the essence of the brand. «During my trips to Ravarino, I had the opportunity to hear extraordinary stories from the people working there. This inspired me to create a film that tells Stone Island's story through their eyes», he stated. 

The title, Infinite Colours, clearly refers to the cornerstone of Stone Island's craftsmanship: garment dyeing processes and the extensive research into color shades, which are among the brand's most distinctive trademarks along with its material innovation. These "infinite colours" also serve as a metaphor for the boundless creativity that drives the brand's production process. As Yamamoto explained, «it is a way to reflect on human potential: turning bold ideas into tangible reality».  The documentary follows the work of the creatives, technicians, and specialists in the brand's offices, from the treatment of raw materials to dyeing and washing, and to the management of the historical archive.  The result is an authentic portrayal of a community that finds continuous experimentation as the key to success, using mistakes as opportunities for growth. The film is enriched with still-life imagery that highlights the materials and colors of emblematic garments from Stone Island's history. After a premiere in March 2024 at the Brain Dead Studios in Los Angeles, during the Selected Works ’982 – ’024 exhibition, the documentary was presented in special screenings in London, Milan, and Crevalcore. Now, with its release on YouTube, Infinite Colours is accessible to a global audience, offering a unique glimpse into the philosophy and innovation that define the brand's work.