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Kamala Harris wrote a letter to Pierpaolo Piccioli

Posted by the designer via Instagram stories

Kamala Harris wrote a letter to Pierpaolo Piccioli Posted by the designer via Instagram stories

«Dear Pierpaolo, please accept my gratitude for all the support you have provided for me», reads the letter signed by Kamala Harris for Pierpaolo Piccioli, former Creative Director of Valentino. «Congratulations on your tenure as Valentino's Creative Director. [...] May this next chapter bring you continued success and happiness». Since she replaced Joe Biden in the race for the upcoming U.S. presidential election, the candidate from the American Democratic Party has become the protagonist of a campaign that has fully embraced the world of pop culture, from memes to fashion. Although she has not yet appeared at a political rally in an outfit designed by Piccioli, the designer accompanied the photo of the letter with the phrase «With Kamala now and forever».

Kamala Harris wrote a letter to Pierpaolo Piccioli Posted by the designer via Instagram stories | Image 524001

Kamala Harris's electoral campaign naturally revolves around her image, but especially around the artistic entourage of the 49th Vice President of the United States. While her opponent Trump continues to search for stars and celebrities to support him (in the past, artists like Bruce Springsteen and Celine Dion have expressly asked the candidate not to use their songs during rallies), Harris has found support among the most powerful fandoms in pop music, with her first promotional video featuring Beyoncé's "Freedom" as the soundtrack and Swifties independently raising (Taylor Swift has yet to publicly endorse the candidate) a total of $138,000 in donations for her campaign. Her style, always much more youthful than that of her colleagues, also aligns with a fresh image. While her regular wardrobe includes Converse sneakers and sequins, at the last convention in Chicago, she wore a tan suit by Chloé, an outfit that many saw as a subtle jab at a controversy conservatives launched against Obama in 2014. With the congratulatory letter to Piccioli and the designer's public response, it is clear that Kamala Harris's intent to find new supporters in the arts world has once again hit the mark. But what could she mean by «May this next chapter bring you continued success and happiness»?