W has four faces for its forties
W Magazine's 40th Anniversary
October 17th, 2012
Il numero che festeggia i quarant'anni del magazine W vede ritratte quattro bellezze che rappresentano ciascuna una decade della testata: Rooney Mara per i '70s, Mia Wasikowsa per gli '80s, Scarlett Johansson per i '90s e Keira Knightley per i '00s; Steven Klein le ha immortalate.
Donne mutevoli che posano nella stessa location, emblema dello stile degli anni che impersonificano.
Mara versione wallpaper seventies con una camicia stampata e cappello a tesa larga, Mia perfettamente eighties con un caschetto rosso rame e make-up appariscente, Scarlett la stylish goth girl dei nineties e Keira l'algida e androgina femme fatale del nuovo millennio: labbra fulve e sopracciglia accentuate.
For its 40th anniversary issue W magazine features Rooney Mara, Mia Wasikowsa, Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley in a retrospective shoot looking back on four decades of fashion, photographed by Steven Klein.
So Mara (’70s) is shot wearing a graphic patterned shirt wearing pearls, a hat, and dark lips, Wasikowsa (’80s) is featured with copper red cropped hair and flashy make-up, Johansson (’90s) is the incarnation of the stylish goth and Knightley (’00s) looks pure and confident as femme fatale with red lips, bushy eyebrows and a masculine trench coat.