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Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge

Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro

Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro

The Jordan Brand spaces in Milan have become, for the first time, a hub for exchange and conversation, engaging in a dialogue about the state of fashion and streetwear with some of the most influential figures in the Italian scene. In the captivating lounge of Jordan World of Flight, Gianluca Gazzoli, a radio host, television personality, and videomaker, along with Nausicaa dell'Orto, captain of the women's American football national team, met with graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro. This gathering marked the first in a series of meetings aimed at showcasing the present state of Italian streetwear and beyond. In the store that celebrates the legacy and future of basket culture, the creativity is celebrated by involving local artists and creators. Leading the way was Maria Chiara Moro herself.

Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461943
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461940
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461941
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461942
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461943
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461940

Surrounded by Michael Jordan memorabilia and iconic basketball artifacts, Maria Chiara Moro shared her journey of becoming one of the most sought-after graphic designers in the industry. Her talent led her to be chosen by Jordan to recreate a series of patches, available in-store, merging her vision with the brand's DNA. It's a story of passion and perseverance, values that Maria Chiara encourages everyone to uphold, especially those who have chosen the path of creativity. Often venturing off the beaten path, Moro applied her studio experience by engaging in multidisciplinary projects in collaboration with fashion brands, art festivals, and magazines, thanks to values such as perseverance and self-belief dear to Jordan.

«It's not just about graphics or logos, or vector drawings, but often it goes beyond that, making it difficult to categorize one's role. I try to synthesize and give shape to the images I create in my mind. I enjoy working without focusing on what I have to do, so I often think of a logo that I might apply to a t-shirt but end up using it for a book cover, or I think about the layout of a book and develop it for a t-shirt. My approach is much more free, and I chose this path to feel free to experiment.»

Moro also shared her perspective on the evolution of streetwear: «It has changed compared to when I was a child, when I started looking at the first sneakers and hoodies. Today, a pair of sneakers might cost more than high-heeled shoes. We are witnessing a significant change. I consider it a strong source of inspiration because it involves a constant exchange of input.» In an era of monumental changes in the fashion landscape, part of the credit goes to social media and its impact on our creative lives. Moro highlighted the competition and ease with which we can see the work of others, causing us to question our own work. She also emphasized the ease with which multiple people refer to the same references without even realizing it. Moro expressed her preference for reality, as it is not social media that brings the visibility one needs: «Even if you keep your journey hidden in your room, the knowledge is in your mind.»

Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461945
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461944
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461962
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461945
Discussing creativity at the Jordan J Lounge Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa dell'Orto meet graphic designer Maria Chiara Moro | Image 461944

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