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Three young changemakers in Foot Locker's new "Give to Get" campaign

A new phase of the Foot Locker Europe project to celebrate the voices of Gen Z

Three young changemakers in Foot Locker's new Give to Get campaign A new phase of the Foot Locker Europe project to celebrate the voices of Gen Z
Three young changemakers in Foot Locker's new Give to Get campaign A new phase of the Foot Locker Europe project to celebrate the voices of Gen Z

A seasonal campaign is often promotion, true, but for Foot Locker it is also an opportunity to promote the identities of the new generation of creatives, their fundamental values and, above all, it is an opportunity to show that it is possible to support the causes for which we are fighting. The retailer's new "Give to Get" campaign is just that: the talent that stars has now become changemakers, emblems of Gen Z and its struggles for a better world. For the Holiday 2020 season, in fact, Foot Locker has chosen as official faces the English artist Isaac Andrews, the French model Odile Gautreau and the Italian dancer Stella Visconti who told nss magazine the origin of the project:

«I have always tried to use social media as a means of communication to raise awareness among those close to me [...]  in my little one I try to contribute as much as I can, and I created a project called Unity that brought together the Afrotial dancers of Rome. Thanks to the Foot Locker campaign, I made this video to explain in a nutshell my story as a dancer and teacher».

Each of the changemakers was in fact the protagonist of a video directed by Statix Studio in which he demonstrated his artistic and creative skills, showing how it is possible to help others also through a digital platform, being vocal on the changes to bring to society as well as with charity. Foot Locker has in fact made available to each of the changemakers 10,000€ to be donated in favor of the cause that was most dear to them. Isaac Andrews supported the HIM + HIS association, Odile Gautreau chose La Maison des femmes St-Denis which deals with helping women victims of violence while Stella Visconti made her donation to the no-profit Africa and the Mediterranean

The campaign is part of the broader project launched by Foot Locker this year with the Shoes Don't Change the World. You Do digital platform which was born with the aim of guiding and inspiring change for the future starting from the younger generations. A commitment that has also been expressed with the donation of one and 1.5 million footwear donations (for a total of 19,000 pairs globally) to as many to the communities of young people most affected by the pandemic.  A type of attention to Gen Z that has been manifested for years with the involvement of local creatives such as the trio of trappers Threesome and rapper Priestess in the past campaigns. The values of this new strategy of social commitment and generation undertaken Foot Locker were expressed to perfection in the statement issued by Susie Kuhn, VP and General Manager of Foot Locker Europe, on the occasion of the launch of the platform:

«It is not simply another no to a brand with an intangible meaning, but the transparent and bold intention to commit to long-term change. We work with today's young people. They will drive change and we will give them the means, access and resources that will give them the confidence to achieve it.».

To discover all the articles of the new Holiday 2020 season proposed by Foot Locker, click here.